Between before school care, after school care, clubs and sports activities, weekend programs, and other outside groups that may also use the school, most school buildings are in use at least 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. Janitors can be seen hard at work mopping and sweeping floors, but what about the areas they can’t clean? With all the traffic in and out, you may wonder how they keep their air quality clean. Is there any system in place to assure you that the furnaces, air ducts, ventilators and AC units are cleaned regularly? How can you be sure your child is not breathing in potentially harmful particles in large amounts such as dust, mold, or that the same germs are not circulating over and over again? What about renovations? Have the floors been sanded in the gym recently? Were any old floors in the school torn out and replaced over the Summer? Have there been any additions onto the school? Those types of construction debris could be lurking in the system, too.

Have you noticed your child doesn’t feel well after coming home from school, or their asthma flares up while at school? Every child deserves a safe and healthy environment to learn in. They should not feel anxious that they may have an asthma attack or feel ill while trying to concentrate and learn.
So, what can you do about it? According to HEALTHYSCHOOLS.ORG, “There are 130,000 public and private schools enrolling 55 million children and employing 7 million adults…. The EPA reports that ½ of all schools have problems with indoor pollution. This contributes to rising asthma cases, absenteeism, concentration, and headaches…” School officials take these types of matters very seriously. Contact the school principal or superintendent and ask what is being done to maintain the indoor air quality at your child’s school. You may consider writing a letter or bringing your concerns to the PTA to address. These types of things will not be overlooked.
DRX Duct Cleaning has performed commercial air duct cleaning in schools across New Jersey. We have state-of-the-art equipment, along with the necessary education and training to properly execute a cleaning on this scale. It is VITAL that a NADCA certified air duct cleaning company is chosen for this type of work! DRX Duct cleaning is not only a NADCA certified company, but we guarantee that a NADCA certified technician will always be on site. We have the knowledge necessary and experience where it counts to get the job done right. Call us today at 908-755-2950 to ensure your child’s school’s indoor air quality is clean with air duct cleaning.