How do you know if your air duct needs cleaning?
Quality Duct Work Cleaning As a business owner, you have enough concerns from day-to-day business, customers, employees, and more. If that business is a manufacturing plant or has a warehouse, you have extra concerns about the air inside your business. So, another task for you is to find a company that does commercial air duct […]
Are Your Dirty Ducts Making You Ill?
Symptoms of Dirty Ducts & Indoor Air Pollution: • Worsening asthma, allergies, and other respiratory problems • Headaches & nausea • Shortness of breath • Sinus congestion, sneezing, and coughing • Eye, skin, nose, and throat irritations • Memory loss, dizziness, fatigue, and depression As reported by a 2005 study regulated by the National Institutes […]
New Furnace, Clean Ducts!
New Furnace, Clean Ducts! The average homeowner replaces their furnace about every 10-15 years. Most times the last time the furnace was replaced was also the last time an air duct cleaning was done. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), you should see about having an air duct cleaning if: If you can […]
Should I Get My Air Ducts Cleaned?
Did you know that five to seven times a day, the air in your home circulates throughout a system of air ducts? As this air travels, it’s passing over dust, dead skin cells, dirt, allergens, hair, and other debris and respiratory irritants produced by everyday living? These respiratory irritants are left to collect in the […]